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Grünschnabel Floristik & Plant Store

Hufelandstr. 25

10407 Berlin

For online orders, you can conveniently pay per PayPal at:

Our opening hours

Mo-Fr: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m
Sat: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sun: closed

Werbung für Balkonkästenbepflanzung

This is how you can find us:
Via Tram M4 - Station "Hufelandstr"

Via Tram M10 - Station "Arnswalder Platz"

Via Bus 200 - Station "Hufelandstr"

If you weren't sure what exactly your friend would like, we have an idea. Our gift cards are a great way to let your friend decide and get the flower he or she always wanted. You can find our gift cards in our store or we can send one your way.

Werbung für Geschenkkarte
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